The movies that come out of Hollywood would never overtly be “Austrian in nature.” That being said, every now and then you find an Austrian nugget that seems to redeem a film that would otherwise be an affront to everything Austro-libertarians hold dear. In that light I was re-watching the movie Wall Street, in preparation for the much hyped sequel. In watching it, I re-discovered that the old broker in the office that everyone respected, Lou Mannheim, was an Austrian! When we first see him he says that (emphasis mine):“..can’t make a buck in this market, country’s going to hell faster than when that son of a bitch Roosevelt was around… too much cheap money sloshing around the world. The biggest mistake we ever made was letting Nixon get off the gold standard…”
A true Austrian could not have said it better!
Special thanks to Lew for posting this comment on his blog!
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